The United Nations has called on the Zimbabwean Government to drop charges against human rights defenders Namatai Kwekweza Samuel Gwenzi and Robson Chere.

Posting on her X handle, Mary Lawlor United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders said she will be closely monitoring the court case involving the three tomorrow.

“I will be closely following tomorrow’s hearing in the case against HRDs including Namatai Kwekweza, Robson Chere and Samuel Gwenzi in Zimbabwe.

“After being forcibly disappeared & tortured, they were unfairly charged with “disorderly conduct”. Charges must be dropped @MoFA_ZW,” she said.

The three activists were abducted and bundled out from a plane at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport recently before emerging from police detention.

They are currently out on bail and their case will be heard in court today.
