Zanu PF politician Shuvai Mahofa collapsed at her home in Rhodene, Masvingo two day ago after complaining of failing to breathe properly and was rushed to Makurira Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Mourners in Harare are gathered at House Number 16 Haupp Road, Coronation Park, Greendale and 116 McGee Road, Rhodene in Masvingo.

her last words

Meanwhile, the late  Mahofa has been described by many as a seasoned politician who will be difficult to replace.

Scores of people who include several government officials continue to visit the late Mahofa’s home in Rhodene to pay their condolences.

Daughter to the late Mahofa, Ms Fungai Mahofa, told mourners what transpired moments before her mother collapsed, saying her mother’s last words were in the form of a prayer.

“Mai pavati ndifonere Dr vakabva vatanga kunamata vakati Mwari chengetai vana vangu, muchengete nemhuri yeZimbabwe, vachingopedza munamato iwoyo she then collapsed {God bless my children, keep the Zimbabwe family},” she said. zbc