Minister Obediah Moyo’s daughter, Shashl, has spoken about her bedroom encounters with Zimdancehall music producer DJ Levels.

Shashl pressed rape and physical abuse charges against Levels after he allegedly leaked their steamy bedroom video.
She, however, later indicated that she was amenable to withdrawing the rape charge if Levels publicly apologised. The two recently reconciled and have since produced a love song video together titled “BE SHASHL”

Shashl took to her Instagram page and wrote that growth takes place in uncomfortable situations

She said:

“Happy Birthday to me, and thank you for the lovely birthday wishes.
“(The year) 2022 has been such an uncomfortable year for me, but if there’s anything I’ve learnt, it’s that growth takes place in uncomfortable situations.
“As I step into a new chapter of my life, I’m still the main character in my story. Still highly favoured and blessed, and that’s not about to change. I love myself, and I love you all.”