The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has released its Preliminary election report where it expressed disappointment in the late delivery of ballot papers on voting day after the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) had assured them and other stakeholders that all voting material including ballot papers were in place.

SADC head of mission Dr Nevers Mumba says while the voting process was generally peaceful, there were some serious flaws which were observed.

Key points from the SADC Observers Report:

  1. Delimitation was a flawed and unconstitutionally executed process

  2. ZEC failed ro release the Voters Roll on time for Candidates to Audit

  3. The fee charged for the Voters Roll was restrictive to candidates

  4. CCC Rallies were disrupted by the Police thereby denying the Citizens their right to Freedom of Assembly

  5. The Patriotic Bill is unconstitutional as it attacks the Freedom of Speech

  6. Kasukuwere’s disqualification was unconstitutional

  7. The Nomination fees was restrictive (from 1000Usd to 20 000USd)