In a tragic incident which has left Redcliff residents in a state of shock and disbelief, a Form 3 student from Rutendo High School tragically passed on, after he fell from a mango tree over the weekend, Zwnews has established.

Yesterday, a sombre atmosphere gripped Rutendo suburb as the predominantly teenage colleagues of the late President Potera of 13 Nembudziya Street in Rutendo Suburb lined up to board the bus which accompanied the hearse carrying the body of the deceased Form 3 student affectionately known amongst his peers as Todo.

Todo’s motionless body was interred in rural Shurugwi yesterday.

Although Midlands provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Joel Goko could not be immediately reached for comment yesterday, Zwnews authoritatively reports that when he met his demise, Potera had landed on a sharp object after falling from a mango tree.

When our news crew arrived at the residence of the now deceased Potera, his body had already been repatriated to Shurugwi for betrayal. Residents interviewed by Zwnews said young Todo’s death had left residents from the community preoccupied with unanswered questions.

“Todo arwadzisa mukoma. I can’t believe that he’s gone just like that after I’d spent the earlier part of the tragic day with him,” emotionally narrated one of the late Potera’s friends.
