Do you like the idea of getting paid for your specialized knowledge? When it comes to investing and trading, many everyday practitioners have unique insight into particular niches like cryptocurrency, technical analysis, price action, dividend payouts, day trading strategies, and more. What are the most popular and effective methods for earning additional income for your investing acumen? The good news is that people all over the world put their brain power to work in hundreds of different ways. They write blogs, earn valid credentials, sign up for affiliate programs, produce podcasts, write e-books, sell courses about how to trade or invest, and serve as paid mentors.

What’s the best way for you to take advantage of what you know and add to your monthly income? Only you can answer that question after exploring several strategies that match your personal preferences and unique abilities. Stop and ponder the question for a moment of what are your strengths in the investing realm? Answer that, and you’ll be on your way to selecting the ideal approach for turning knowledge and skills into cold, hard cash. No two people are identical in their talents, but the following suggestions can spur your imagination and get you started.

Earn a Credential

In the world of investments and trading, there are dozens of specialized credentials people earn to set themselves apart from ordinary mentors or stand-alone investment advisors. Depending on where you live, options include studying to be a financial counselor, trading advisor, broker, securities dealer, market mentor, and more. Words of caution is to always evaluate for-fee courses carefully. There are many excellent choices but also a lot of scammers in the space. Verify licenses and educational accreditation. Additionally, check online reviews from reputable sites and call the company’s customer service department to ask more detailed questions.

Look to a Trading Affiliate

Trading affiliate programs are one of the fastest and most effective methods for turning your enthusiasm and knowledge into instant cash. Why? Because when you register for a program like AvaPartner, not only do your gain access to solid marketing materials, you also get to work with a dedicated account manager, can select from numerous rewards, and start earning from the first day you serve as an affiliate. By bringing clients to AvaTrade, you earn commissions that can add up fast. Get started by reading the company’s AvaPartner blog to learn all the details. AvaTrade is one of the top online brokers specializing in forex, CFDs (contracts for difference), and other asset classes. Affiliates benefit from their solid reputation and years of experience.

Write a Niche E-Book

Spend a few minutes at the largest online bookselling websites and explore investment-related e-book titles. You’ll see plenty of them, many of which are low-quality products that do nothing more than advertise a miracle program for getting rich overnight or a guaranteed system for picking stocks that deliver astonishing returns. Fortunately, if you have a genuine, original idea that can help other investing and trading enthusiasts, your e-book can soar to the top of the favorites list on most bookselling sites. Do some soul searching, market research, and brainstorming to come up with a topic and title that has sales potential. Focus on the one or two subjects you know best and begin by writing an outline of the book. From there, flesh out each sub-topic and create chapters. Proofread it twice, buy or create a cover, and then upload the entire document into the “for sale” section of your favorite seller’s website.

Monetize an Investing Podcast

Podcasts are currently enjoying a golden age of growth and popularity. Most are audio-only, but many of the better ones include video. Consider starting with an audio-only podcast that centers on your particular talents and favorite investing subjects. Interview experts, discuss books, dig into financial news, or do whatever you think will be of interest to a niche audience. Once you build up a following, monetize the production by selling advertising time as commercials that appear within the broadcast.

Create and Sell a Trading Course

If you have a knack for teaching and instructing, one of the most powerful ways of earning a side income is to create a video course. It helps to hire a pro who can film your presentation and give you pointers about how to make the final product look good. Once you have a finished course ready to go, place it for sale on one or more of the top-ranked educational websites. Note that sellers get about one-third commission on the price you set, so adjust your sales prices accordingly.