The police has reportedly arrested and detained eight Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members for defying a ban rally which was to be addressed by party president Nelson Chamisa.

The police in Chiredzi, Masvingo province, yesterday banned opposition CCC’s campaign rally and fired teargas canisters to disperse hundreds of party supporters gathered for the event.

Chamisa was expected to address the rally at Tshovani Stadium ahead of the launch of the party’s election manifesto in Bindura, Mashonaland Central province on Saturday.

In banning the Chiredzi rally, police claimed the event coincided with a State event and also failed to comply with security requirements prescribed under section 8 of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (Chapter 11:23).

Meanwhile, former deputy minister of Information Energy Mutodi has reportedly shot twice at CCC members gathered at Baradzanwa Township waiting for Chamisa.

Mutodi allegedly besieged the venue with 2 trucks laden with Zanu PF supporters and threw stones at CCC. He was in the company of Kumbirai Ziki a FAZ member in Bikita South.

CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere has bemoaned selective application of the law saying Mutodi could have been arrested.

“This is a confirmed act of public violence. Where is @PoliceZimbabwe? Why has Energy Mutodi not been arrested? What is ZANUPF allowed to unleash such wanton violence on CCC supporters who are peacefully & lawfully gathering?

“ZANU PF is feeling the heat,” she said.
