ZANU PF national chairperson who is also Minister of Defence Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri says this year’s conference will only be attended by a reduced number of delegates.

She said the party has opted to limit participation to Politburo members, Central Committee members, National Consultative Assembly members, and senior provincial and district executives.

Adding that this will ensure that the discussions and resolutions are rich in content, driven by critical thinking and rigorous debate, thus creating meaningful outcomes that will influence the course of our national policies.

Muchinguri-Kashiri says the reduced number of attendees also reflects the party’s commitment to safety.

“With fewer delegates traveling to Bulawayo, we will significantly minimize road traffic accidents, which is a priority for the party and the nation.

“Our conference theme, “Industrialise, Modernise Towards Vision 2030,” aligns perfectly with the nation’s developmental goals.

“As we look to industrialize and modernize Zimbabwe, key sectors such as the economy, agriculture, and food security will be at the forefront of our discussions,” she added.

Read her full statement below:

As the ZANU PF National Chairman, I am pleased to share our strategic direction for the upcoming 21st Annual National People’s Conference.

The gathering, which will be held from October 22 to 27 at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair grounds in Bulawayo, marks a significant moment for our nation as we push forward towards achieving Vision 2030.

This is also a unique opportunity for Bulawayo to demonstrate its capacity to host large-scale national events and showcase its vibrancy and readiness for greater things.

In preparation for this conference, the National Co-ordinating Committee, which I chair, has made critical decisions aimed at ensuring an impactful and efficient conference.

One of the key measures we have taken is to reduce the number of delegates attending this year, drawing lessons from best practices we observed in other progressive nations like China.

This year’s conference will not follow the traditional format where every member of the party attends.

We have opted to limit participation to Politburo members, Central Committee members, National Consultative Assembly members, and senior provincial and district executives.

This will ensure that the discussions and resolutions are rich in content, driven by critical thinking and rigorous debate, thus creating meaningful outcomes that will influence the course of our national policies.

The reduced number of attendees also reflects our commitment to safety.

With fewer delegates traveling to Bulawayo, we will significantly minimize road traffic accidents, which is a priority for the party and the nation.

Our conference theme, “Industrialise, Modernise Towards Vision 2030,” aligns perfectly with the nation’s developmental goals.

As we look to industrialize and modernize Zimbabwe, key sectors such as the economy, agriculture, and food security will be at the forefront of our discussions.

Together, we will chart a path that delivers prosperity to our people and restores our country’s position of dignity and self-reliance.

I can report with pride that we are nearly 95 percent prepared for the conference.

Our third meeting as the National Co-ordinating Committee has ensured that all logistical matters are in place.

This committee is comprised of all relevant departments, whose expertise is crucial in delivering a successful and productive conference.

At this important gathering, our Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion, Professor Mthuli Ncube, will present a comprehensive report on the state of our economy.

His insights will be instrumental in guiding our future economic strategies. Similarly, the Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Cde Winston Chitando, will provide an update on the mining sector, while our Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development, Dr Anxious Masuka, will give a detailed report on the state of agriculture, including this year’s challenges, such as the drought that severely affected our country.

Our Government, under the capable leadership of the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Cde July Moyo, has already initiated interventions to ensure that no Zimbabwean will starve, and this will be discussed in detail.

This year’s conference is not just a gathering of party members but a critical policy review platform.

We will take a hard look at our policies and refine them to ensure that they are in line with our national goals, particularly economic growth and sustainable development.

The outcomes of this conference will set the tone for ZANU PF’s continued leadership as we drive towards Vision 2030. Together, as one united party, we will steer our nation towards a prosperous future.

I look forward to the rich debates and forward-thinking resolutions that will come out of this conference, and I am confident that it will be a significant milestone in Zimbabwe’s journey towards greatness.
