In the true sense of Corporate Social Responsibility, one of the country’s biggest retail concern OK Zimbabwe has chipped in to help the Mpilo Hospital staff whose dwelling quarters were recently gutted by fire.

OK Zimbabwe Limited gave all affected Mpilo Hospital staff grocery vouchers worth 50 000 each.

The retail giant highlighted that it will commit to double all the donations made by their customers throughout their stores.

Those wishing to assist have been urged to drop off gifts in the form of groceries and load Shop Easy cards which will be passed on to the affected Mpilo staff.

Drop offs can be made at the following branches: OK Jason Moyo, OK Lobengula, OK Entumbane and OKMART.

The collections will run for 10 days.

Meanwhile, the ruling party, ZANU-PF thanked the supermarket chain for the gesture, and implored others to follow suit.
