Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information Nick Mangwana says the bane of African governments is disunity and failure to speak with one voice.

He says because of that, they are prone to manipulation.

“Africa’s bane has always been disunity and a vulnerability to manipulation,” he says.

Mangwana adds that the European Union has 27 countries which always vote as a bloc, adding that the African Union has 55 states who never vote on one side.

“The AU has 55 states and they vote as sub-regions or individuals but never together. Some are bribed by former colonial powers,” he says.

He was commenting on the just ended African Elephant Summit held in Hwange, were calls had been made for Africa to speak with one voice come the October CITES meeting in Panama.

Zimbabwe is imploring the international Community to allow her to sell her ivory stockpile and would want Africa to help her in the quest.
