Police in Basera have launched investigations with regards to circumstances surrounding a case of murder and suicide which occurred at Utete Village, Chitsa, Gutu, Masvingo.

The victim’s husband, Fungai Chitsale (46) was later found dead, hanging from a roof truss with a nylon rope in a two bed roomed house.

In other news, Police in Filabusi are appealing for information which may lead to the arrest of, Zenzo Moyo (32), Ayanda Moyo (30), Nqobizita Moyo (34), Senly Moyo (29), Paul Ndlovu (36) and Donald Sibanda (30), who are being sought in connection with a case of murder which occurred on 03/01/25 at Village 16 B, Nkankezi.

The suspects attacked the victim, Talent Hlongwane (29) with spears, axes and machetes after allegedly accusing him of being a bully.

Anyone with information is being invited to report at any nearest Police Station.
