President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has declared that Zimbabwe’s current state of affairs characterized by economic, social and political disorder is a testament to the divine will of God.

Speaking at the National Day of Prayer at State House, the President asserted that the nation’s trials and tribulations, including Western sanctions, were part of God’s plan.

Mnangagwa however, said the Lord Jesus Christ is giving him the strength to manage the country’s affairs.

He commended the resilience and hard work of Zimbabweans, the private sector and other stakeholders.

He said the nation is testimony that in every circumstance, when facing plenty or lack, abundance or need, people can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives us strength, quoting Philippians 4 vs12-13.

“As we come together for this National Day of Prayer, our hearts are full of gratitude and thanksgiving for the successes our nation has realised across all socio-economic sectors.

“The task that lies ahead is for us to consolidate these gains. Both our rural and urban communities must be urged to work harder in their respective areas for increased production and productivity.

“According to Psalms 90vs 17, the Lord our God will establish the work of our hands,” said the President.

On 13 December every year, Zimbabwe, a declared Christian nation marks National Day of Prayer.

The event which is attended by church leaders from various denominations is led by the President.
