Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development Polite Kambamura has been accused of sending CIO operatives to assassinate his girlfriend, Zimeye has reported.

Dep Min Kambamura allegedly hired intelligence assailants to kill his girlfriend  Thandeka Chitombo after discovering that she was whistleblowing, exposing his corrupt endeavors.

Chitombo who is the daughter of a highly revered senior ZANU PF official and Emmerson Mnangagwa aide got a tip-off from one of her relatives in the dreaded Central Intelligence organization that Kambamura had organized for her to be killed.

Narrating her assassination plot ordeal, Chitombo said:

The person who had been assigned from the CIO to kill me . That person (only named as T1) did not know that the target of the assignment is his own mother (Shona custom).

T1 then realised the target person is his own mother.

Apparently here was a car that arrived at my flat, a white Toyota Hilux double cab without number plates. The people inside the car (whose number could not be determined) sat inside the Hilux waiting outside near my flat.

“T1 then called me and said mother, there is story, I was shocked because no one knew about that story and how it got to him. That is when he said I was sent to you but I couldn’t. He told me this in front of two men, a male called Nyasha, and another male called Shava.

Cde (Washington) Shava tried to call Polite and asked him why he was doing what he was doing. “Why are you doing this? We now know.”

“Polite then blocked Cde Shava (on his phone),” she said.
“Shava said I have tried my best to ask him why he was doing this; I was seeking to solve differences. Cde Shava knows Polite because he once assisted Polite to pay pregnancy reparations for another woman (kuripa nhumbu yemumwe mukadzi),” she explained.

Afterwards, “it appears as if Kambamura then called Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi because shortly after that (the latter) he called me somewhat revealing there was some conversation.

“I was then called by Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi. It appears he lied to Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi.

“Mr Ziyambi Ziyambi realised that I am also a chairperson and I have a position in Mash West Province. That is when he pleaded for the issue to be resolved among us.”

“Mr Ziyambi Ziyambi asked me, this story I know you are aggrieved, but after hearing this, if this story is heard by the President, it will tarnish the President’s name. So my daughter my request is that perhaps if you need to be paid repararations, it is best I assist on this.

“He asked…’how much do you want?’, and I told him with all I have undergone, I won’t accept anything less than than USD50,000.

“After all this, that is when a picture emerged on the Mvenge Mvenge Facebook page of a person telling of the story.”

When contacted by ZimEye, Kambamura told ZimEye he would be available 20 minutes later. When later reached he answered before responding saying he did not want to speak over the matter.

Despite refusal to comment by Kambamura , Mr Washington Shava confirmed the story given by Thandeka, saying, “The case is not settled.

“The issue which is there is that … there were threats that were used because he went to the CIO (Central Intelligence organisation); there are some young men who were used and they came physically later to report that they had been dispatched.

“They said ‘we have been sent to seize [you] and take your phone away.’ They came themselves; I was there, Thandeka was there, and there was also somebody who is independent, who has nothing to do with our relationships.
