Former cabinet minister and ZANU PF national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere says party spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa’s latest talk with Zfn is damaging to the struggle for independence.
He says whilst many unsavoury things happened, to undermine the women who fought so hard is completely unacceptable.
“ZANU PF, please play the recording and convince yourselves if this is the correct picture of the struggle.
“The whole interview is scandalous, casting doubts on Gen Mujuru and Chiwenga, unclear details on the death of Chitepo, relations with Frelimo officials and sabotage of Old Mutual.
“A serious review of this foolish diatribe will make many people very very upset,” he adds.
“We had to stop him from making Cabinet a dealing room.
“He wanted to foist on us his corrupt relations with companies that wanted to exploit our resources. Present activities confirm our fears,” says Kasukuwere.