Mupedzanhamo Market in Mbare Resumes Business with Joyful Reopening After Year-Long Closure

Mbare’s renowned Mupedzanhamo Market, the country’s largest hub for second-hand clothing, has joyfully reopened its gates following nearly a year of closure. Traders wasted no time in setting up their stalls, drawing a bustling crowd eager to explore budget-friendly pre-loved apparel.

The vibrant revival of the market, witnessed yesterday, saw hundreds flocking to the area to partake in the thrifting experience. Traders expressed their elation at the market’s reopening, highlighting the challenges faced while operating outside its familiar confines.

Mrs. Lydia Dhaure, echoing the sentiments of many, expressed gratitude for the return to their familiar spaces, liberated from the grip of space barons and daily financial demands. She shared, “We used to play a cat and mouse game with the police, but now we are happy to have retained the spaces which we used to operate, and we are grateful for that.”

Mrs. Beauty Mangachena emphasized that the reopening was long overdue, narrating the difficulties faced when selling wares outside the market. The persistent challenge of space barons, who auctioned spaces to the highest bidder, posed ongoing issues that were finally alleviated with the return to their original spaces.

Mrs. Caroline Torovei, having endured four years of operating under harsh circumstances in the open, expressed newfound freedom and happiness. She exclaimed, “I feel like I can fly with happiness because our problems have ended, and we can now trade peacefully.”

Andrew Nyamupukwa, the chairperson for the Mupedzanhamo Market Committee, shared his happiness, highlighting the challenges faced during the market’s closure and commending the unity achieved post-elections.

The smooth reopening process was credited to collaboration with the Harare City Council. In the wake of its reopening, Mupedzanhamo Market stands as a symbol of triumph, fostering community spirit and economic resilience among its traders.