In a race against time, rescue efforts resumed at Redwing Mine in Penhalonga, north of Mutare, where 15 artisanal miners found themselves trapped underground after a shaft collapsed during their work on Thursday. The ground instability had initially impeded rescue operations, but a glimmer of hope emerged as the ground appeared to stabilize, allowing teams to finally access the affected area.

Government intervention has been swift, with Mines and Mining Development Minister Zhemu Soda personally visiting the mine to assess the situation and offer crucial support. The rescue operation involves government personnel working alongside dedicated teams to navigate the challenges posed by the collapsed shaft.

Earlier attempts to reach the trapped miners were thwarted by ongoing ground movement, prompting a temporary halt in the rescue mission. However, with the ground now reportedly stable, plans have been devised to safely access the area where the miners are suspected to be trapped.

To enhance the stability of the ground, blocks were strategically taken underground, offering structural support to the collapsed sections. As a precautionary measure, all mining activities in the vicinity of the accident have been suspended until further notice.

Minister Soda emphasized the importance of expert advice from government engineers, who have been deployed to guide the rescue efforts and assess the situation for future mining operations at Redwing Mine.

Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Advocate Misheck Mugadza, expressed gratitude for the swift response from the Mines Minister and the collaborative efforts of the rescue teams. He conveyed optimism, stating that the stable ground conditions and the expertise of the rescue team increased the possibility of rescuing the trapped miners alive.

Blessing Mashange, the leader of the rescue team, acknowledged the challenging circumstances, with miners trapped by boulders, but expressed hope regarding the presence of ventilation inside the mine. The ongoing rescue operation remains a top priority, with officials dedicated to providing every necessary support to ensure the miners’ safe retrieval.