Exiled former cabinet Minister, Jonathan Moyo has expressed sorrow over the death of ZANU-PF spokesperson and liberation war stalwart Simon Khaya Moyo.

“Sad about SK Moyo’s death. A true son of the soil and a decent man, where decency has become conspicuous by its absence; and the last linchpin of the 1987 Unity Accord.

“Profoundly heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul forever dwell in peace in the House of the Lord!” Says Jonathan Moyo.

He says though he opposes ZANU-PF modus operandi, he doesn’t wish any of its members or leaders death.

“If as a former ZanuPF member, official, cabinet minister and human being, opposing ZanuPF means I must wish ZanuPF members or officials dead and not mourn their death; then cancel me out, I can live with it.

“I oppose ideas, values and policies; not persons created in God’s image!”
