If there’s one local artist whose music legacy is definitely in safe hands, it can only be the Uzumba born-and-bred popular contemporary crooner, Jah Prayzah.

On Wednesday, the Kutonga Kwaro singer proudly witnessed the release of a single by his first born son, named after him- Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jnr.

And, if the reaction by music-loving netizens on Mukudzeyi Jnr’s debut single Rovai Ngoma is anything to go by, the Mukombe family can rest assured that they have another gem with the potential of matching, or even outshining Jah Prayzah, with time.

Rovai Ngoma had amazingly amassed 18 000-plus views on YouTube barely four hours after its release and fans expressed optimism that the juvenile’s first attempt was, to call a spade, a very successful effort.

Mukudzeyi Jnr, whose eagerness to tread the paths his father has stepped on musically are seen in the cameo appearances he has traditionally made at some of his father’s shows, is just but an outright genius in the making.

In his debut song, the upcoming entertainer made a passionate plea to his celebrity dad to pave the way.

“Rovai Ngoma daddy, kana ndiri ndega handigone. Makati musoro hatigeri, tsvimbo hatidzori. Ndakatukura Mukombe nekuti ndiri mwana wamukombe. Ndoda kuti mundione,” partly sings Mukudzeyi Jnr in his latest release.

The mentorship of the inimitable Jah Prayzah in moulding his clearly talented son is markedly evident in the typical JP voice Mukudzeyi Jnr uses in Rovai Ngoma.

And, as if in fulfilment of the ‘like-father-like-son’ axiom, Mukudzeyi Jnr also spots dreadlocks, much like his award-winning dad!

Music lovers and show-goers alike, are hoping that the toddler will be able to use resources at his disposal, including the well equipped Military Touch studio under the headship of his father.
