United Kingdom based Zimbabwean lawyer and political analyst Brighton Mutebuka says there is no information at the moment enough to brand former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa as President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s proxy.


Chamisa has come under fire with critics labelling him a sell out who sold the struggle to Mnangagwa.


Some are alleging that he was given money by Mnangagwa before the 2023 elections, as a stage managed opposition leader.


However, Mutebuka believes otherwise:


“I have been able to zero in on the source(s) or origin(s) of the “bought” allegations against @nelsonchamisa.


“There are still a few loose ends to tie in that regard. Once that’s addressed, I shall try to find a way to write about it responsibly & objectively,” he says.


Posting on his X handle, Mutebuka added that the allegations could be the work of counterintelligence operatives to sow seeds of disunity within the opposition.


“The Zim regime itself is also prone to unleashing counter intelligence propaganda, which is also an effective tool in decimating the opposition.


“The idea is planting serious seeds of doubt & creating disaffection & disillusionment to the point of giving up.”