The inhabitants of Cold Stream Village, Muchena in Penhalonga were left in a state of shock after a man from the area gruesomely murdered a 17-year old boy who was in Form 2 at a local school before throwing the victim’s head in a toilet.

Solomon Mafondokoto Jnr (24) was arrested by police after he allegedly killed Maxwell Mangana who was in Form 2 at Muchena Secondary School. The cold-blooded murder occured following a misunderstanding between the two over the voLume of a radio.

The deceased Mangana was staying with the accused’s family, according to a report in the regional Masvingo Mirror newspaper.

Manicaland Police Spokesperson Luxson Chananda said the deceased’s father passed away some years back and his mother could not look after him. The deceased was therefore staying at and being taken care of by the accused’s parents. In return the deceased did household chores.

On the fateful day, Mafondokoto’s mother Virginia Kandiero (45) went to town while the father Solomon Mafondokoto (Senior) was at work at Mutare Board and Paper Mills in Penhalonga.

Mafondokoto and Mangana then had a misunderstanding over the volume of a radio. Mafondokoto disappeared briefly and returned armed with an axe.

He attacked and chopped off Mangana’s head without warning.  He threw the head into a blair toilet and disposed of the body at a nearby stream.

Kandiero notice some blood stains on her return from town and searched for the two but could not find them. She phoned her husband who told her that Mafondokoto was at his workplace. He then confessed that he had killed Mangana and showed them where he buried the body. A police report was made at Penhalonga police leading to his arrest.

The accused was remanded in custody.

Ward 26 councilor, Lionel Mawoyo said the deceased was found without some parts but police denied the allegation.

Mutasa South constituency legislator Regai Tsunga said Mangana’s death shocked the community.

This is the second suspected murder in the village inside two weeks after Grey Chirimo was also allegedly murdered, said the MP.
