In a significant development, the High Court has overturned the election of Zanu PF Member of Parliament Dingumuzi Phuti, who was initially declared the winner of the Bulilima Constituency election in August 2023. The nullification follows a challenge lodged by Bekezela Maplanka, a candidate from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), who was subsequently granted a default judgment as Phuti did not contest the challenge.

The court ruling, delivered after considering filed documents and hearing counsel, makes the following declarations:

  1. The Constituency Elections Officer’s declaration of Dingumuzi Phuti as the duly elected Member of the National Assembly for Bulilima Constituency in the Harmonised Elections held on August 23, 2023, is hereby nullified.
  2. The national assembly election at Bulilima Constituency is declared to have produced an undue return and is consequently nullified.
  3. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is ordered to conduct a fresh national assembly election at Bulilima Constituency.

The judge emphasized that a copy of the judgment should be sent to both the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and the Clerk of the Parliament of Zimbabwe by the Registrar of the Electoral Court. Additionally, Phuti has been directed to cover the costs of the lawsuit.

It is noteworthy that Dingumuzi Phuti currently holds the position of Deputy Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal, and Courier Services.