The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development has washed its hands on a shoddy job along Harare Drive.

This comes after one ZANU PF foot-soldier murakashi Matigary raised the issue blaming the ministry of transport over the matter.

“The contractor who resurfaced Harare Drive from Arcturus Road to E D Mnangagwa Road (formerly Enterprise) cheated the people of Zimbabwe @MinistryofTID.

“The road surface moves and creates ridges and contours on the entire stretch adjacent to Oriel School at the intersection with Pringle Road.

“It’s a big crooked mess.

“We can’t surface roads and then need to redo them 2-3 years later. Tingavake Nyika yacho sei manje?” Noted Matigary.

In response, the ministry wrote:

“Please be advised that the section of Harare Drive, stretching from Arcturus Road to ED Mnangagwa Road (formerly Enterprise Road), was rehabilitated by the City of Harare.

“This project was not undertaken by the Ministry of Transport & Infrastructural Development. Thank you.”

Apparently, former NetOne Chief Executive Officer Reward Kangai called on the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission ZACC to probe the matter.

“You should have stated: “…was supposed to have been rehabilitated by the City of Harare”, as the contractor did such a shoddy job that he made it even worse @cityofharare2

“@JMafume would say that he wasn’t the Mayor of Harare at the time but he can still cause an investigation and hold the company to restitute at own cost or be banned forever from undertaking similar works for the City of Harare and with the concurrency of
@MinistryofTID, impose a National ban on all public road construction works.

“To think that the company, Tarcon was paid for it and there have been no consequences on such blatant abuse of public funds, simply escapes me.

“These are the kind of crimes that @ZACConline should be seized with and not be occupied with victimizing of whistleblowers, who in fact, assist them to execute their duties, unless of course, if they are part of the corruption syndicates.

“How on earth does @ZACConline arrest whistleblowers as they did to me, unless if their consciences have been seared with a hot iron?”
