A daring Filabusi man from Tsotsi B Village near Wanezi Mission was arrested after stabbing to death a man who had offered him a lift, following disagreements over the fare he had been charged.
Everton Dube fatally stabbed John Dube of Mberengwa on the stomach as he demanded back, part of the money he had paid as fare from Mberengwa Turn-off to Skuta Business centre. According to Matabeleland South provincial police spokesperson, Chief Inspector Philisani Ndebele, Dube killed the Ford Ranger driver who had offered him a lift, as he demanded back $10 from the $55 he’d paid as fare, saying the fare he had paid was too high for someone who was seated in the ‘uncomfortable’ loading box.
‘’I can confirm that we recorded a murder case which occurred in Skuta area in Filabusi. The now deceased John Dube was driving a Ford Ranger double cab from Zvishavane to Mbalabala with six passengers on board. When he got to Mberengwa turn off he picked up three more passengers who were going to Skuta and they agreed to pay $55 each,” said chief inspector Ndebele.
When he dropped off at Skuta, Everton Dube reportedly demanded back $10, saying he uncomfortably travelled in the loading box and when the driver disembarked from his vehicle to amicably solve the issue, Everton Dube then stabbed him in the stomach.
Other passengers reportedly stopped another vehicle which ferried Dube to a nearby hospital but he succumbed to the injuries before he could get medical help.
“In this case a life was lost over $10 yet the matter could have been resolved easily. People are often murdered over trivial issues. Motorists should also be careful on who they offer lifts and not pick up people randomly,” said Chief Insp Ndebele.
State Media