President ED is now the odd one out after the EU today suspended sanctions on Mugabe’s widow Grace and Mnangagwa’s top gunners who resurrected his political career in November 2017.

The powerful block said it would retain sanctions against Zimbabwe Defense Industry(ZDI) for a further year, “taking into account the situation in Zimbabwe, including the yet to be investigated alleged role of the armed and security forces in human rights abuses. The restrictive measures against four individuals are suspended.”

Perrance Shiri..Minister of Lands

The four are Grace Mugabe, VP Constantino Chiwenga, Agriculture Minister and former Airforce chief Perrance Shiri and ZDF commander Philip Valerio Sibanda. The latter three already had restrictions on them suspended, although they remain listed. This now also applies to Grace.

The ZDI is the Zimbabwe Defence Forces’ arms manufacturer and supplier.

The EU also urged an “inclusive national dialogue” which it said was “key to finding structural and durable solutions to the challenges faced by Zimbabwe”.

Coup plotters: Sibanda, Chiwenga
