A former Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) operative has warned the current crop of state agents not to be used in carrying out illegal instructions, saying when things change, it haunt them.

Commenting on the recent abduction of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Member of Parliament Takudzwa Ngadziore, disqualified presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere, a former CIO operative said:

“Youngman don’t allow to be used. When the sh-t hits the fan, you will be on your own!

“Gun toting is unacceptable and this will haunt you forever.

“Ngadziore is a fellow countrymen and brother, don’t carry out illegal instructions.”

The CCC MP was allegedly abducted, stripped naked before being dumped in Christon Bank, Mazowe, recently by people believed to be CIO agents.

According to reports he was given a worksuit to put on by local miners who found him, as he was left for dead.

Meanwhile, Zimlive identified the person seen snatching Ngadziore as a CIO agent.

“Man seen snatching CCC MP Takudzwa Ngadziore now named as Nicholas ‘Big Daddy’ Kajese, (pictured) a CIO agent stationed at Harare Central Police Station.

“Second man hiding face named as Abraham Pasi. Both members of ‘Ferret Team’ commanded by Ishmael Mada, CIO director internal,” reported Zimlive.

Apparently, a number of CCC members have allegedly been abducted and later dump.

In most cases they are left for dead after being tortured.

CCC president Nelson Chamisa is on record claiming that members of his party are being subjected to abduction by suspected state agents.
