Addressing thousands of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters at Gadzema Grounds in Chinhoyi on Monday, party leader Nelson Chamisa said the ZANU PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa had taken an ill-advised stance in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the devastating war.

“My brother (Mnangagwa) was in Russia the other day and was over the moon with joy after receiving a ramshackle helicopter, and he unashamedly declared we, as Zimbabwe, support Russia in its invasion of Ukraine.

“You and who, whom did you consult?

“A proper leader of Zimbabwe must not support or side with any country, but side with peace, side with unity, side with progress and side with multilateralism and unite the belligerent nations, Russia and Ukraine,” said Chamisa.

Chamisa accused Mnangagwa of acting like Putin’s puppet.

“Don’t be a puppet, be a person who respects the norms of peace across the whole world and not side with aggression, which is not acceptable,” he said.

He said his party supports world peace.

“CCC supports peace and harmony of all nations. We support global peace because joining a certain side is against facts and truth and lacks objectivity…there we don’t agree with my brother.”
