Exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo has lambasted people who are attacking magistrate Feresi Chakanyuka for ‘wrongfuly’ jailing Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume saying it is not her fault.

Following her conviction of Ngarivhume, Chakanyuka came under fire with some saying she is being used to persecute President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s political opponents.

However, Moyo says people should not target her person, but the justice system as a whole.

“Following her outrageous and objectionable conviction of Ngarivhume Jacob and her draconian jail sentence – which are being appealed as is the right thing to do – it is reprehensible and wrong that some quarters are personally targeting Harare Magistrate Feresi Chakanyuka by inciting hatred towards her through vigilante attacks, abusing her image.

“Robustly attack her wrong judicial decision – and the judiciary itself as an institution – not her person!” Said Moyo.

Apparently, the jailing of Ngarivhume has attracted heavy criticism for the magistrate. With some saying she was used to torment Vice President Constatino Chiwenga’s embattled wife Marry Mubaiwa and Job Sikhala.

But Moyo believes it is unfair to attack the magistrate, as it is the system itself to blame.
