Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa says opposition parties in Zimbabwe have always been treated badly by the status quo, but should instead devise other ways to campaign than being cry babies.

He says it is not new that the opposition especially the main (Nelson Chamisa led Citizens Coalition for Change) or its predecessors have always been denied equal room to campaign.

“The opposition has been facing the same issues and problems for decades now.

“The issues of banned rallies and generally an uneven political field are old stories for which they should by now have created alternatives. Complaining and crying are not strategies!,” He says.

According to him, by saying opposition should be pro active, he is not saying what ZANU PF is doing is right.

“Encouraging the opposition to be pro-active in dealing with an uneven playing field doesn’t translate into condoning actions such as banning rallies and other illegal manouvres.

“We still desire & call upon the ruling party to observe the strict dictates of a democratic country,” he adds.

He goes on: “Chamisa himself has not helped matters nekubva ayisa party muhapwa. Anyone serious about the opposition growing as an institution should be worried about the current structural set-up. How can a national entity be centred around one person no matter how charismatic or popular?

“The party should be an animal by itself not hitched to the emotional and personal seasons of a single person. The fallout from the Biti saga and divisive primaries has already had a negative impact on the party’s support base.”
