In a week of dramatic political events, heavily armed police officers arrested Cllr Stanley Manyenga, who is also Harare Province Youth Chairperson of the main opposition MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa.
Details of his arrest were still not yet clear during the time of writing but the timing coincides with the anxiously awaited High Court ruling in which four controversially dismissed parliamentarians are contesting their dismissal.

The party was yet to issue a statement on Cllr Manyenga’s arrest during the time of publishing.

His arrest comes hard on the heels of the recent allegedly enforced abductions of three Youth Assembly leaders of Chamisa’s MDC Alliance.

The three female opposition figures, who were reported to have been initially arrested, by national police spokesperson Paul Nyathi’s own confirmation, were later found badly tortured, flogged and dumped at Muchapondwa Business centre in Bindura.

More details to follow…