Bindura Mayor Councillor Jacob Gwature appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court this morning & has been remanded in custody to Tuesday 26th of September 2023.

Citizens Coalition for Change CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi confirmed the development saying Gwature, like many of their leaders & officials faces fictitious charges dating as far back as 2021.

Mkwananzi did not mention what charges the mayor is facing, but urged party followers to offer solidarity support.

“On Tuesday, the 26th of September 2023, we urge our supporters to fill up the Court in solidarity with the Mayor as well as to demonstrate our dismay & opposition against the abuse of state institutions to undermine the will & choices of the people of Zimbabwe.

“To restore & retain the people’s trust & confidence, our Courts must refuse to be reduced to ZANU PF’s instruments of persecution.

“The courts ought & must be seen to be carrying our justice without fear or favour. His Legal Advisor Enerst Jena is of the opinion that this is not a criminal matter & must be before a civil not a criminal Court, and rightly so.

“We however are sure that this has been brought before the criminal Court to persecute & try to tarnish Cllr Gwature’s reputation,” said Mkwananzi.
