A 22-YEAR-OLD artisanal miner from Gokwe allegedly killed his 18-year-old wife in cold blood after walking in on her while she was in the company of her suspected boyfriend in their bedroom.

Emmanuel Bhusumani, from Chiteveteve Village under Chief Njelele in Gokwe, allegedly axed his wife three times on her head before fleeing from the scene with their 10-month-old baby.

Midlands provincial police spokesperson Inspector Joel Goko confirmed the alleged axing of Nonsikelelo Siziba of Zigandiwa Village under Chief Samambwa in Zhombe by her husband.

He said the murder took place in the wee hours of Friday in Zigandiwa Village where the couple lived.

“On October 2 at around 1AM, the accused got home from work and found Nonsikelelo Siziba his wife with another man in bed,” said Insp Goko.

He said the alleged boyfriend fled into the night leaving Siziba at the mercy of her husband.

“The man fled and a misunderstanding arose between Emmanuel Bhusumani and his wife. Bhusumani allegedly took an axe and struck his wife three times on the head and she died on the spot.

Bhusumani allegedly fled with their 10 months old baby but surrendered himself to the police the following day.

The baby is said to be now in the custody of relatives.

Insp Goko said on the same day around 8AM, Nyasha Sibanda (16) of the same village visited Siziba and found her dead in a pool of blood.

Insp Goko said Sibanda informed Cosmas Zigandiwa — a fellow villager who made a report at Zhombe Police Station.

Insp Goko said the scene was attended by the police who found Siziba’s body lying in a pool of blood with a deformed face.

“A blood-stained axe was recovered at the scene. Bhusumani was arrested and is assisting police with investigations,” he said.

Insp Goko said Siziba’s body was taken to Zhombe Mission Hospital mortuary awaiting post-mortem.

He urged members of the public to stop using violence following misunderstandings saying violence doesn’t help solve disagreements.

Rather, Insp Goko urged people to consider approaching a third party like community leaders, the police of church leaders when they encounter challenges.

“We continue losing precious lives unnecessarily because of people taking the law into their own hands. When people encounter challenges, they must learn to look for a third party,” he said.
