The editor of Zimlive an online publication, Mduduzi Mathuthu has survived an abduction attempt after a gang of seven suspicious men claiming to be cops descended at his home in an unmarked car without registration numbers.

This raises alarm especially amidst a looming spectre of abduction by spooky state security agents.

Last year, Mathuthu went underground for weeks after security agents raided his Mahatshula home and arrested his relatives and kidnapped his nephew, journalism student Tawanda Muchehiwa, who was savagely tortured and brutalised, forcing him to flee overseas.

The hunting of Mathuthu by the mysterious men who refused to properly identify themselves and leave their contact details raises the spectre of abduction, which is rife in Zimbabwe, especially given what happened to Muchehiwa and many other people, including Itai Dzamara.

Mathuthu edits online platform that has been covering corruption related stories, which has caused discomfort in official circles and clearly invited hostility by those in power and their cronies now using intimidation to protect their ill-gotten wealth.

However, police spokesman Paul Nyathi says he is not aware law enforcement agents are looking for Mathuthu.

“I have contacted the Officer Comamnding Bulawayo, but we are not aware of that,” Nyathi told The NewsHawks. This suggests it’s a security operation to nab Mathuthu for his job.
