Zimbabwe War Vets Threaten Donald Trump of America…We Still Have Our Guns

HARARE: Controversial Zimbabwe War Veterans Association Secretary and chief spokesperson Mr Victor Matemadanda has attacked Donald Trump, Britain and  MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa over the election fallout and current political situation in Zimbabwe ahead of a historic Constitutional case in which the latter is asking authorities to reverse results of votes held on 30 July, 2018.

He went on a long rant literally telling the powerful US President and his government to go to hell after Donald Trump renewed Zimbabwe sanctions following Harare shootings.

Below is part of his statement:

War with Trump..We won independence through the barrel of a gun…we still have our guns

We brought democracy to the people of Zimbabwe. We have opened the political space for everyone. This is why you saw over 100 political parties and independents participate in the July 30 elections.

The big brother mentality of America is what we don’t want. Our President (Emmerson Mnangagwa) has opened every democratic space, he has tried to engage. But America by extending ZIDERA they are slapping us in the face.

Post election violence was an aggression done by the opposition. In South Africa, at Marikana, people were killed but there were no sanctions. If America is going to behave like this, we are going to tell our government to forget about engaging America… we are no longer slaves of Americans. For anyone, Trump included, to think we are patient slaves of America, no! We got our independence through the barrel of a gun, we still have our guns.

America sponsored bandits who were killing us, and today they want to maintain this big brother mentality.

Zanu PF property was destroyed by MDC Alliance thugs at the instigation of their president who hijacked power through the back door. America should have punished Chamisa for grabbing power from Khupe, but they are supporting the young lumpen.

We want opposition parties and opposition political opinions, but what we will not accept is an individual going to America to ask for sanctions. Why do they want to squeeze blood out of us? Just because we are black, we must dance to the tune of America whatever they give us? We don’t want to be taken back to situations where we think the white person is our enemy. If this system is going to be perpetuated by America, then America becomes our enemy.


Warning to Britain..you drifting back to Tony Blair’s position

The British need to be very clear on whether they want to re-engage us as equal partners or not. Lately Britain seems to be drifting back to their former position of Tony Blair. We demand that Britain comes out clearly so that we know whether they are with us, we yearn for mutual tolerance and respect.


MDC Alliance can exist without Nelson Chamisa

We are concerned about unfolding political developments. As the people’s army… we are saying Zanu PF must exist, but MDC will exist but without Nelson Chamisa, without Tendai Biti and without Robert Mugabe.

Whilst we don’t want to interfere with internal affairs of MDC, we believe it’s up to the real MDC to stand up and reclaim their party from Biti and Chamisa. They are working with Grace and Robert Mugabe. It defies logic that on 18 November Chamisa was with us, condemning Mugabe. We removed Mugabe from them, we removed their monster but today the same MDC is going into bed with Mugabe. What does the real MDC say? What does the Dzamara family think of Chamisa? Mugabe is not supposed to be even alive, most of his age-mates are dead, I don’t know how Chamisa refers to him. His ancestor perhaps? He is now in bed with him.

If MDC is going to be mastered in tactics by Mugabe, it’s very unfortunate. Even these court cases are based on advice from Mugabe. We know what they are playing at. They want to reverse what is clearly a win for Zanu PF.

Mugabe’s name to be removed from Harare Airport

We are going to our Harare International Airport to demand the removal of Mugabe’s dirty name and demand they put our heroes. We cannot have the face of Zimbabwe to the world given the name of a last-minute traitor, we can’t. It must be removed we don’t want it.

Soldiers, Zanu-PF  not responsible for Harare killings

No-one can claim responsibility for a bullet. How can you say so and so killed when people came into the streets prepared for violence? Do you know what they were carrying? The way a civilian would answer, and the way I answer from military perspective different. You can’t prove its a bullet from this gun which killed a person, so I don’t want to answer that one.

I don’t want to talk about people who died on August 1 because I don’t know whether were participants or caught in the crossfire.

ZwNews.com, additional reporting from Zim Live