The ruling party, ZANU PF says the country does not need electoral reforms as no one talks about them in Zimbabwe.

The party says even Members of Parliament are not raising the subject in the August House.

“Zimbabwe does not need electoral reforms.

“No one talks about them in Zimbabwe. MPs do not talk about them in our Parliament,” says ZANU-PF Patriots.

The ruling party was commenting on a story by a local daily newspaper, in which the European Union (EU) said the country has failed to implement electoral reforms.

An EU follow-up mission on elections recently expressed concern over Zimbabwe’s continued failure to implement key electoral reforms ahead of the 2023 elections.

This is raising fears that post-election violence could occur again after the harmonised elections, as what happened just after the previous elections.

EU head of the delegation, Elmar Brok, told journalists at a press conference in Harare few days ago that authorities’ delay in implementing electoral reforms was a cause of concern.
