ZNA Military Has Been Thrashing People Every Night

Pictures are now emerging showing how people in and around Harare have been on the receiving end of brutal and relentless attacks from members of the Zimbabwe National Army(ZNA).

Some victims who are too terrified to have pictures taken have been attacked by masked people in military uniform with knives, sjamboks, and riffle butts.

These perpetrators moving in gangs of up to ten people are allegedly snatching wallets and searching victims’ pockets for cash and other valuables.

Meanwhile, the opposition MDC Alliance has issued the following statement expressing concern over the welfare of Zimbabwe citizens as military continue attacks:

“Mnangagwa unleashed soldiers who fired live ammunition leaving seven people dead and 13 others hospitalized. They have not stopped at that. Over 2 500 soldiers were deployed in all the high density suburbs in Harare including Epworth, Chitungwiza, Glen View and Dzivarasekwa who have been thrashing people every night.

“State security operatives have been deployed countrywide to employ fear in the people and to stifle dissent,” MDC Alliance said.