HARARE: President Emmerson Mnangagwa said he is inspired by the collective hopes of Zimbabweans, urging all people to unite and work for a brighter future.

Delivering his inauguration speech at the National Sports Stadium this afternoon, Mnangagwa said now that the election season is over, it is time for Zimbabweans to shift focus towards the future.

“Let me assure you that tomorrow is brighter than yesterday. Let us now focus on the journey ahead, a journey of prosperity in the new Zimbabwe…… Now that elections are behind us, we will focus on economic transformation and promote investment in Zimbabwe from across the world. Now is the time for us all to unite and grow our economy………..to transform Zimbabwe into a middle income economy…..free from corruption by 2030,” he said.

“The Zimbabwe we want is a shared one and transcends political party lines…..I am driven and inspired by your collective hopes, dreams and aspirations…….. I am a President for all, I am a servant leader and anyone who will occupy public office must also be a servant of the people, they must be humble,” the President added.

Mnangagwa also said his government will ensure service delivery and accountability on the part of government officials and local authorities.

“Bottlenecks, unnecessary delays and corruption have no place in my administration….My administration will not watch as people suffer due to dereliction of duty by people in local authorities,” he said. state media