Teachers’ unions in Zimbabwe have rejected a pay rise of over 100 per cent offered as part of the government’s efforts to re-open schools, following the COVID-19 induced long holiday.

As stated by the teachers, a promised new salary of about $180 per month remains far below the poverty datum line of about $540.

Meanwhile, renowned world economist Steve Hanke says the teachers are right in rejecting the offer.

“Teachers in Zimbabwe have rejected a 100% salary increase, saying it is still below the poverty line.

“With inflation at 385.23%/ year by my measure, the teachers’ arithmetic is correct.

“And Mnangagwa’s incompetence is on full display,” says Hanke.

Prof Hanke has been monitoring the country’s inflation rates, at the time the government has been downplaying the figures so as to paint a nice picture.

Apparently, the government announced the reopening of schools last week, but teachers have not been attending lessons citing incapacitation.

Learners are spending time alone in classrooms while teachers away doing informal work. In some instances, the absence of teachers in schools have exposed pupils to a number of things such as engaging in sexual activities and drug abuse.
