Zimbabwean doctor Allan Ngulube, who is a surgeon at Mpilo Hospital in Bulawayo, has won an award in South Korea.

The award came after he took it upon himself to repair faulty medical equipment and performed 161 endoscopic procedures and surgeries—saving lives, reports The Newshawks.

And Severance Hospital recently presented the 2023 Avison Global Leadership Award to Ngulube.

Ngulube trained in endoscopic surgery and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography at Severance Hospital in South Korea for three months in 2018.

He then returned to Zimbabwe and began working at Mpilo Central Hospital. In 2019, an endoscope was donated from abroad, but it had only a light source and no endoscope tube.

Ngulube did not give up. He sourced funds and fixed the medical equipment.

Image/ text- Newshawks