Reports from Kwekwe indicate that the newly elected Zanu PF district coordinating committee (DCC) has been facing difficulties in occupying the party offices amid revelations that youths aligned to  a rival camp led by a well-connected former parliamentarian has been blocking the elected ruling party officials from using the offices.

The Zanu PF Kwekwe district headquarters are currently under the occupation of youths understood to be loyal to former Mbizo legislator Vongaishe Mupereri. The latter- who humiliatingly fell to chairman-elect Thandika in the recently concluded DCCs- is also nephew to Local Government Minister July Moyo.

The Mupereri camp is also said to have the support of state security minister, Owen Ncube.

Ruling party youths who spoke to this publication said they were not going to allow the Thandika camp to occupy the party offices, accusing the triumphant camp of belonging to the vanquished G40 cabal.

“Kana vakahwina ngavauye vapinde mu office tione. We cannot sit and watch while G40 people are occupying these offices. This office has the umblical cord of our First Secretary (President Emmerson Mnangagwa) and it will be taboo if we are going to allow G40 from occupying these premises,” said a Zanu PF youth who refused to be named.

“We are going to make it a point that their positions are just ceremonial as they are not going to seize our offices,” said another youth.

Impeccable sources privy to the goings on told Zwnews that the Mupereri camp is banking support on the influence of Ministers Moyo and Ncube.

The pair are the perennial blue-eyed boys of President Mnangagwa and are influential in the Midlands Province.

“It will be very difficult for the Thandika camp to occupy the party’s district headquarters as these two ministers are inexplicably proxy to the First Family,” the source said.

Although Zanu PF provincial chairperson Engineer Daniel Mackenzie could not be immediately reached  for comment during the time of publishing, the party’s shadow MP for Kwekwe Central, Kandros Mugabe said the newly elected DCC was going to be properly sworn in office by the responsible authorities.

Mugabe triumphed against Tapuwa Muto, a close ally to the state security minister- for the position of secretary for finance.

“I do not know where you are getting that information about anyone refusing to vacate the party offices. Zanu PF is a well organised political institution and we will be guided by the party leadership. We are not fighting in Zanu PF and the party is the ultimate winner. In actual fact, the elections united us more, ” Mugabe said.
