By William Milasi

ZANU PF has said that Independent candidates don’t win polls.

Midlands’s provincial spokesperson Cornelius Mupereri speaking on ZANU PF’s recent victory in ward 5 said it is difficult for independent candidates to win polls against the ruling party.

“It’s difficult for independent candidates to win polls especiallyagainst the ruling party. It’s a sheer waste of time to vote for independent candidates as they don’t have a defined structure or a chain of command.

“They are very weak when it comes to representation. It’s possible that an independent candidate may win an election but that is a herculean task,” said Mupereri.

The win of ZANU PF council candidate Assam Musa who polled 817 votes against Clever Ndlovu who was an Independent candidate who garnered 334 votes has left the former revolutionary party effectively controlling the affairs of Kwekwe City Council.

The ward 5 by election was triggered by the untimely demise of MDC T councilor Aaron Sithole who also served as the city’s Deputy Mayor in March this year.

The late Sithole had recently been released from prison on $100 bail after he was convicted earlier this year with fellow MDC T councilor Weston Masiya and activist TendaiWirimai for demonstrating against the government in July last year.

Prior to Sithole’s death the parties enjoyed an equal representation as each had seven councilors in the chamber.

The current situation has left ZANU PF with 8 councilors against 6 councilors from MDC.

Mupereri also said that the campaign machinery for the ruling party is well oiled as he said that the party is already on the ground preparing for the reelection of President Robert Mugabe back in power.

He said that the recently concluded Kwekwe By elections which saw ZANU PF romping to victory is testimony of the ruling party’s popularity amongst the electorate.

“We have always maintained as Zanu PF we are well prepared for 2018 elections. The recently concluded by elections are just a highlight of what is going to happen in 2018.

“Our campaign machine is well oiled and we are raring to go,” said Mupereri.

He added that Kwekwe City council is going to see a turnaround of the fortunes.

Kwekwe Mayor Matenda Madzoke has however said that council business is different from party business.

“The council is not affiliated to any party. When we are in the chambers we are deliberating on the issues to do with service delivery,” said Madzoke.

Ndlovu has since called the plebiscite a sham.

“The election was not free and fair. My supporters were intimidated, we couldn’t campaign freely,” said Ndlovu.

“I was arrested on trumped up charges and this all derailed my campaign,” he said.

ZANU PF has since dismissed Ndlovu’s allegations.

“He was campaigning in bars. Did he think that only the imbibers were the only ones who were going to vote? Ndlovu has gracefully accept defeat,” said Mupereri.

Mupereri also said that the ruling party is preparing for another resounding victory for Chiwundura by which will be held on the 15th of July.

Four candidates have since filed their nomination papers.

The four are Takudzwa Guzete of National Constitutional Assembly, Brighton MudzwitiFreezim Congress, Brown Ndlovu ZANU PF and Webster Zulu of Progressive Democrats of Zimbabwe (PDZ)