Professor and Economist at John Hopkins University, Steve Hanke says ZANU-PF is a criminal mafia operating as a political party.

Hanke says corruption, censorship, vote rigging, intimidation, & murder is nothing out of the ordinary, but part and parcel of the ZANU-PF.

Meanwhile, he says in Zimbabwe, history repeats itself pointing out that both Robert Mugabe & Emmerson
Mnangagwa have fueled corruption & failed to solve any of Zim’s economic or political problems.

“Under their incompetence, Zimbabwe had entered a never-ending death spiral,” he says.

Meanwhile, Hanke’s senyiments comes at the time has been ‘protesting’ against sanctions imposed by the West.

Harare says sanctions are hurting Zimbabweans, but the West say sanctions are targeted to certain people who are violating human rights.

Today Zimbabwe marked a National Day against sanctions.
