South Africa Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader, Julius Malema says if one goes to Zimbabwe, ZANU-PF is not a popular party, it’s a criminal syndicate that steals elections, uses the army and police to intimidate people.

Speaking in a video, Malema said ZANU-PF and its leader President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa cannot win any free fair and transparent election.

Zimbabwe recently held elections which were condemned as not having been free, fair and credible.

The observer missions said the polls failed to meet requirements for democratic elections.

Main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change and its leader Nelson Chamisa are calling for a rerun of the polls, supervised by a neutral body, like the Southern African Development Community.

But, President Mnangagwa says he is not interested, claiming that the polls were free fair and credible. He urges Zimbabweans to ignore calls for fresh elections, and concentrate on building the country.
