The ZANU-PF and the Government of Zimbabwe’s attacks on Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema and Zambia have been responded to with a protest march in Ndola today by the ruling party of Zambia United Party for National Development (UPND).

A number of ZANUPF senior officials like Patrick Chinamasa, Nick Mangwana, Chris Mutsvangwa and ZANU PF side kick, Rutendo Matinyarare insulted the Zambian president.

Some even threatened that Hichilema would die the same way former Zambian president Levy Mwanawasa died after opposing ZANUPF’s rigging of elections in 2008.

The attacks came after former Zambian Vice President, Nevers Mumba who was appointed by President Hichilema to lead the Southern African Development Community (SADC) observer team in Zimbabwe which produced a damning post election preliminary report with his team against how the election was run.

Meanwhile, the then Zambian President Mwanawasa called Mugabe’s Zimbabwe a sinking titanic after repeated rigged elections by ZANUPF.

He passed on in 2008 and ZANUPF has over the years insinuated that it was responsible.

The relations between Zambia and Zimbabwe have never been this low and strained as they are now.

Apparently, President Mnangagwa grew up and went to school in Zambia. He even calls Zambia his second home.

Part of his family still lives in Mumbwa in Zambia and engages with the Zambian leadership using local languages.

He was a youth leader of Zambia’s independence party, UNIP.