In a very depressing development, an elderly woman from Zaka together with her ten grandchildren are now living in the open after irate villagers who accused the woman of bewitching them torched down her house.

Reports say the incident happened in Vaviri Village under Chief Nyakunhuwa last week.

It is understood that the fiasco started after the villagers consulted a Tsikamunda who accused Letwin Chiuka (59) of bewitching them.

The gathering was at the village head’s place, the Mirror reported.

According to sources, the village head advised Chiuka and her family to vacate the village during the meeting as other villagers were threatening to kill her.

Masvingo Provincial Police Spokesperson Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa could not be reached for comment.

It is also reported that the fire started at around 11 pm, and children had to be rescued from the huts where they were sleeping.

Chiuka and her family subsequently filed a report at Jerera Police Station, but nothing has been done to apprehend the suspects.
