Exiled former Minister of Foreign Affairs and one of the Generation 40 (G40) leaders Walter Mzembi says President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa and his team have dismally failed to run the country’s economy and should now step aside.

“There is no prescription this 2nd Republic Team at Treasury & RBZ is gonna try on the Economy, ZiG included, that has not been tried before and failed.

“There is also no new analysis by Professors & Analysts that has not been heard and presented before, the only prescription that has not been administered which this Government and the one before it avoided is Reforming our Politics.

“Present the people of Zimbabwe with a new political prescription and the economy will respond like never before,” he says.

Mzembi adds: “The Economic Team is administering the wrong medicine, they should step aside and allow us to fix the politics and everything will fall in place thereafter.”

He says the Mnangagwa administration is now wasting the nation’s time by clinging to power with no clue on how to fix the country’s challenges.

“Right now they are wasting the Nation’s time pretending to solve the problem, the currency issue is just manifestation of a bigger political problem.

“Please Economic Team stop wasting the People’s time!”
