Chivhu – A Chivhu woman, Theresa Chaveni has been providing a room for the minor daughter (14) of a prominent businessman to have sex with her boyfriend aged 20.

This came out at the local court where the boyfriend, Tapiwa Gonzo appeared charged with having sexual intercourse with a minor.

Gonzo allegedly engaged into consensual sex intercourse several times with the girl who is doing Form 2 at Liebenberg High School.

It is the State case that sometime in October, 2020 Gonzo proposed love to the minor and they started dating. In December, he invited her to house number H18 which is Chaveni’s homestead through a text message.

Upon arrival, Chaveni excused herself and went to the shops leaving the two to themselves.

Gonzo locked the door, undressed himself and the minor and had unprotected sex with the girl once with her consent.

This happened on numerous occasions until the mother noticed something unusual about her daughter. She disclosed the affair to the mother on being questioned.

Collen Chimbadzwa is representing the State. – Masvingo Mirror