Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) Commissioner Joyce Laetitia Kazembe says people do not have to fight, but just need to use the ballot to choose their preferred leaders.

Speaking during a discussion on the possibility of holding by-elections, Kazembe said it is bad for people to fight over politics.

always encourage our stakeholders to desist from violence

“We always encourage our stakeholders to desist from violence,” she said.

Kazembe also pointed out that there are a number of factors that need to be considered for elections to be considered free and fair.

She said all ZEC processes are fair and transparent, and guided by the Electoral Law.

Apparently, ZEC has been accused of being captured by the government and the ruling party.

In most cases it has been alleged that ZEC rigs elections on behalf of the ruling party and its President.

In some instances ZEC has admitted making errors, like in case of Chegutu West Constituency where ZANU-PF’s Dexter Nduna was erroneously declared the winner, instead of MDC Alliance’s Gift Konjana.

The case is in the courts, but it is taking time to be finalised.
