In a significant breakthrough, the police have apprehended nine suspected armed robbers, marking a major success in their relentless campaign against armed robbery and organized crime. The operation, considered one of the force’s most significant triumphs, targeted individuals responsible for a reign of terror in Harare.

The crackdown began with the arrest of three suspects – Misheck Takawira, 24, Jonas Daniel Mubaiwa, 22, and Shadreck Njowa, 20 – at Dongo Village in Neshangwe, Sadza. However, the operation expanded as additional suspects were identified, culminating in a total of nine individuals facing charges related to armed robbery.

The suspects, ranging from 20 to 40 years old, include three family members – Shadreck Njowa, Job Nyashadzaishe (26), and an additional Njowa brother. They are now joined by Cloudious Pemberengwa (39), Shepherd Magorimbo (30), Sydney Takavada (40), John Amon Ndlovu (34), and Godwin Chawaguta (33).

National police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, disclosed that the arrests followed information linking Misheck and Shadreck Njowa and Jonas Daniel Mubaiwa to a robbery case involving the loss of a Toyota Porte vehicle, cash, and a cellphone. The trio was arrested at Dongo Village, leading to the recovery of the stolen vehicle, an AK Rifle, a cellphone, an electric shocker, two kitchen knives, cabies, and a pair of handcuffs.

Subsequent investigations implicated Claudius Pemberengwa and John Amon Ndlovu, who were arrested in Old Highfield, Harare. The two then revealed the involvement of Shepherd Magorimbo, Sydney Takavada, John Nyashadzaishe Njowa, and Godwin Chawaguta. Their arrests spanned various locations in Highfield, Glen Norah, Willowvale Flats, and Zengeza 5 Extension in Chitungwiza.

The arrests led to the recovery of a Toyota Wish (the suspects’ getaway car), a Vektor pistol with a magazine of 8 by 9mm rounds, and a 303 Rifle with 6 by 7.5mm rounds. Additionally, Claudius Pemberengwa, Sydney Takavada, John Amon Ndlovu, and Godwin Chawaguta provided information about firearms hidden in a bush area along James Martin Road, Southerton in Harare.

Upon reaching the location, the suspects attempted to flee and were shot in the knee by detectives. They are currently admitted to a Harare hospital. The suspects are linked to six cases of robbery, including an incident at a service station in Machipisa, Highfield in Harare.