President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has thanked various affiliate organizations like Teachers for ED, Lawyers for ED, Mahwindi for ED, etc for religiously rallying behind him.

Addressing a rally currently underway at Robert Mugabe Square in Harare, Mnangagwa joking said: “I heard that we have Mbavha for ED here (Thieves for ED) haa apa mazonyanya. Zvakanaka hazvo izvozvo asi after elections let’s disband.

“I hear we have Thieves for ED hear. This is too much however (It is good to have Thieves for ED for now, but after elections it must be disbanded.)”

Giving a vote of thanks after Mnangagwa’s address, party vice president Kembo Mohadi emphasized that Thieves for ED are welcome.

“I heard of Mbavha for ED. That’s is good as long as they vote for ZANU PF,” said Mohadi.

He added votes just count despite having been cast by thieves or otherwise.

Apparently, ZANU PF leaders were recently shocked when one of its senior officials Sydney Sekeramayi chanted ‘PASI NEMBAVHA’ during a rally addressed by Mnangagwa in Mashonaland East province.

Sekeramayi got a muted response a sign seen by many as having angered ZANU PF leaders, who stand accused of corruption.
