The ruling party, ZANU PF does not rig elections as claimed by opposition parties, because of the country’s water-tight electoral systems.

ZANU PF says in actual fact, it wins fairly and resoundingly on the strength of its popular support as evidenced by strong attendance at rallies.

The party’s national chairperson, Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri made these sentiments at a rally yesterday.

However, critics say the bussing of supporters by ZANU PF to its rallies is a tinpot for vote rigging.

Barred Presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere’s head of marketing and mobilisation Cde Never Maswerasei says:

“Dear Zimbabwe: The systematic deployment of 500 buses at 70 passengers overload or 700 buses at 70 passengers overload gives you btwn 35k & 49k at each rally.

“This is an exercise meant to ring fence rigging so that when they rig, they will say, “you saw our rallies countrywide.

“These are nothing but optics to create an impression of a well supported movement.

“Those with the masses do not bus them into forced weekly in-country tourism. Without rigging, 23 August will be the equaliser.

“You see, what this propaganda level does is; it goes a long way in convincing diplomats and election observers into believing that Mnangagwa indeed has support.

“When they rig, those targeted strategic stakeholders will easily fall for the optics charade. TELL OBSERVERS THIS.”

Meanwhile, former Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara has predicted another disputed poll for Zimbabwe given the escalation of political violence and other electoral malpractices.

He, warned that it would be difficult to change the status quo, citing vote rigging and an unfair playing field, which he said favoured the ruling party.

“People who are creating problems in our country are Zanu PF. They never won any election, actually they rigged.

“From 2000 up to 2018, Zimbabwe elections have been fraudulent and rigged. All those were problematic elections,” Mutambara said in an interview with Newzroom Afrika over the weekend.

“They pay judges a week before elections. The Judiciary in Zimbabwe is compromised. The possibility of free and fair elections is very unlikely,” he added.
